Appointments with Doctors or Nurses are available from 8.15am Monday to Friday and can be booked up to six weeks in advance.
Urgent appointments are available on the day booked from 8.00am.
Unfortunately, all appointment systems can cause difficulties, especially at busy times. Please dial continuously if the line is engaged, it may take several tries to get through, especially on Mondays!
If you are unable to keep any appointment please telephone the surgery as soon as possible.
Online booking and cancelling of doctor and phlebotomy appointments is available. You will need to register for this service. Details available from reception or on our web site.
South Northants Extended Access Hub practices offer pre-bookable appointments early evening and at weekends. These are bookable through our surgery. You will need to be prepared to travel to the hub practice.
Minor ailments
Our two specialist nurse prescribers have appointments for Minor Ailments. This covers basic skin infections, coughs and colds, sticky eyes, stomach upsets, ear ache, cystitis, emergency contraception etc. Please ask the receptionist if you think the nurse might be able to help when you request an appointment as an alternative to a doctor.
Phlebotomy Service (Blood Tests)
Monday to Friday 8.00 – 12.30
Home Visits
If you need a home visit, please telephone before 10.30am. Please try to come to surgery whenever possible.
The Practice will only visit patients at home, if housebound or where the Doctor considers that the patient’s medical condition requires a home visit.