We offer a two different delivery services from the practice, home delivery service and remote delivery service. Both are delivered on a set day each week.
Home delivery service
Our home delivery service has a strict criteria. Please call the dispensary, and leave a voicemail, we will return your call to discuss if you meet the criteria.
Remote delivery service
We have a number of remote delivery locations for our surrounding villages, these are designed for patients that struggle to get to the surgery to collection their medication. The medication is delivered to the location and remains there for two weeks. If uncollected it is then returned to the surgery for the patient to collect. Controlled drugs are not authorized to be delivered to remote locations and will have to be arranged to be collected from the surgery. The locations we have are as follows
· Yardley Hastings AP food and wine
· Cogenhoe Village hall coffee morning (collection can only between 12-2.30 on a Thursday during the coffee morning, medication is not returned to the surgery on the same day)
· Brafield post office
· Hacklton post office
To apply for delivery please see attached form, print sign and return to the surgery (attach form)
When requesting your repeat please always state that you wish delivery to home or a remote location each time. We are unable to automatically put your repeat in for delivery.